On connecting across borders – Michael Soskil Sr.
As the 2018 Pennsylvania Teacher of the Year Michael Soskil Sr. explains, he...
Changing education from the ground up
Using concepts like challenge based and connected learning, personal learning environments and networks,...
Philosophy – Aristotele
Teachers exemplify three important Aristotelian virtues: Episteme, Techne, and Phronesis. Episteme is the...
That’s the way we’ve always done it
The white line is not a fence. But because the one at the...
Peter Schwartz
This is where the future of work is headed post-coronavirus: Salesforce
Unlocking Potential to become an Organisational da Vinci
One of the biggest challenges faced by leaders is connecting the diverse perspectives...
How Does Teaching Influence Learning? – Jerome Bruner
“Teaching needs to open up a wider range of possibility. Because possibility is...
Prepare Our Kids for Life, Not Standardized Tests – Ted Dintersmith
For leading venture Capitalist Ted Dintersmith, the core purpose of our schools has...
Guy Kawasaki – TEDxPaloAltoSalon
Top 10 life tips from innovation evangelist Guy Kawasaki, including the need to...
The playful wonderland behind great inventions
Necessity is the mother of invention, right? Well, not always. Steven Johnson shows...
How lifelong learning makes you shine in the job market
Learning agility is the ability to learn new things quickly and be aware...