The viable progress
I’m not worried about artificial intelligence giving computers the ability to think like...
Don’t fear intelligent machines, work with them
In 1985, aged 22, Garry Kasparov became the World Chess Champion after beating...
What is the purpose of your life?
A few days ago, Mark Zuckerberg delivered a commencement speech to the Harvard...
The courage that can challenge fear
Telling pain is everything but an easy task. Even more, living it. There...
Career Day 2017: companies meet beyonders
Today, the LUISS campus in viale Romania hosted the 21st edition of the...
The left-handed lame: a profile of the brave innovator
Aristide Boucicaut is the inventor of the “Bon Marché”, the first modern mall,...
The youth festival 2017, between listening and vision
A few days have passed since the Youth Festival 2017 in Gaeta ended....
Why we are distracted and won’t admit it
Any of us reading these lines in this very moment would reply with...
To raise brave girls, encourage adventure
We are raising our girls to be timid, even helpless, and it begins when...
People with autism in the Israeli intelligence: the case of Unit 9900
Unit 9900 of the IDF, the Israel Defence Force, is the section dedicated...
Want kids to learn well? Feed them well
If you are bad in maths, maybe it is because you eat bad....
Sustainable eating: a new course in LUISS to learn sustainability, even with food
Awareness. Aware living, aware eating. It was after a reflection upon this concept...